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Pirates of the High Teas
Set sail as tea-loving pirates, competing to serve the perfect afternoon tea! Strategically deploy your crew to collect sets of treats and teas, vying to gain the most treasure. Wreak havoc along the way as you smash dishes together, pilfer treats with your monkey, smuggle snacks with your parrot, and blow up the pantry with your cannon.
Pinkies up me hearties, yo ho!
Live on Kickstarter!!!
How to Play

The Pirate Code of Tea
All pirate business shall be conducted under a flag of Tea, a sacred parlay that 'tis never broken.
Swords and daggers are n’er drawn over Tea, unless a dish do be particularly tough.
Only the son of a biscuit eater insults a tea service! Those who do insult the tea are to be marooned on the nearest desert island, left only with a single dessert and cup of tea.
Always serve lemon with tea, never milk. It do fight scurvy.
Pair your tasty tidbits with a well-matched tea. To do elsewise do be uncouth.
Servin’ the same dish as another cook do be cause for walkin’ the plank.
Pinkies up, me hearties, yo ho!
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